Wingback for Sales
How Sales teams use Wingback.
Sales team greatly benefit from using Wingback as it streamlines the sales process and enhances their ability to create tailored pricing plans for customers. The platform allows you to generate customized quotes easily, enabling a high-touch sales process and reducing the time spent on creating and adjusting proposals.
The seamless integration with CRM systems ensures that you can keep track of customer data, transactions, and subscription information. Additionally, Wingback’s A/B testing functionality allows you to optimize pricing plans and find the best strategies to close deals.
Custom Quotes
Quotes are essential for enterprise sales and ensuring you can give specific customers the right mix of features, usage, and pricing that makes sense for them. With Wingback, you can seamlessly turn a plan into a quote, making the high-touch sales process more efficient and streamlined. This feature is beneficial as it allows you to create plans, configure entitlements, invoice customers, and generate quotes all within the same platform.
When you turn a plan into a quote, you essentially change its state within the data model. This quote can then be shared with your customers, providing them with a clear and concise overview of the proposed services, costs, and other relevant details. This feature simplifies the quoting process, making it easier to manage and track throughout the sales cycle.
Once a customer accepts the quote, it transitions into a contract, signifying a formal agreement between your business and the customer. This seamless transition within the data model ensures that you can easily manage and monitor the entire sales process using Wingback, from creating a plan to finalizing a contract with the customer.
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Create New Pricing Plans
Creating a new plan in Wingback involves the following steps. Start by selecting “Plans” from the top menu on the main dashboard. Once there, click the “Add Plan” button in the upper right corner of the Plans page. You’ll need to enter a name for the new plan in the “Name” field and choose the plan type from the dropdown menu, which can be recurring, one-time, or usage-based.
Continue by specifying the billing cycle by selecting the appropriate option like monthly, quarterly, or yearly, and set the price. For usage-based plans, define the feature you want to charge for, such as API calls, storage, or seats, and set a price per unit. You can also add any additional features or descriptions to the plan as needed.
Finally, click the “Add” button to save the new plan, and it will appear in the Plans list. Keep in mind that you can edit or modify the plan later by clicking on the plan name and making any desired changes.
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Edit Existing Pricing Plans
In order to edit existing plans, you first access the Plans section on the main dashboard. Once there, find the plan you want to modify in the list of active plans. Click the “Open Plan Editor” button under the respective name of the plan in the dropdown menu. In the Plan Editor, you can make changes to the plan name, billing cycles, prices, and features as needed.
After making the desired edits, click the “Save” button to save your changes. Keep in mind that certain options like deleting the plan permanently might not be available in the interface yet. To access other options such as archiving the plan or copying the plan ID, click on the three dots next to the plan name.
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Change Customer Information
In the Customer Management Portal, you can change customer info including their billing information, their subscription/plan, billing period/cycle, and more. You can also view payment history, invoice history, plan history, and manually send invoices. You can view past plans for any customer - down to the level of individual features they had access to and what price they paid for the plan, as well as any terms that went along with it, like a bulk price or special discount.
This information helps you identify potential upsell opportunities by revealing when customers might benefit from additional features, higher plan tiers, or increased capacity.
Customers can also change their information on their own by using Wingback’s Self-serve Billing Portal. It provides your customers with the autonomy to manage their billing information at their convenience. This reduces the need for manual intervention from your support team, freeing up time for them to focus on other essential tasks. The self-serve billing portal also ensures that customers have immediate access to their billing data, promoting transparency and trust with your customers.
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Upselling and Mid-Cycle upgrades
A mid-cycle upgrade refers to the process of upgrading a customer’s subscription plan to a higher tier or level of service before the end of the current billing cycle. For example, if a customer is currently subscribed to a basic plan but wants to upgrade to a premium plan with more features, they may request a mid-cycle upgrade to take effect before the end of their current billing cycle.
By allowing customers to upgrade their plans mid-cycle, you can help ensure that customers have access to the features and functionality they need at all times, without having to wait until the end of the billing cycle to make changes.
However, mid-cycle upgrades can also create some challenges, particularly in terms of billing and invoicing. If a customer upgrades mid-cycle, you may need to prorate the cost of the new plan for the remainder of the billing cycle, which can be complex to calculate and may require adjustments to the customer’s invoice. Wingback handles mid cycle upgrades for you, so that you don’t have to worry about any of these issues anymore.
Customers can effortlessly upgrade their subscription using Wingback’s self-serve billing portal, which is seamlessly integrated into your product, or they can be upsold by your sales team. They have the option to accept the offer shared by your sales team through one of Wingback’s sign-up links or directly provide payment information during a sales call. If a quote is required, your team can conveniently generate it through Wingback. Additionally, your team can activate the subscription immediately after your customer has accepted the quote.
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Manage Multiple Contracts
Wingback supports you in managing diverse contracts with different pricing models and terms by offering a centralized source of truth for all plan and contract data that simplifies contract management.
Wingback’s clear and transparent invoicing ensures that customers receive accurate invoices based on their chosen plan, pricing model, and contract terms. This reduces the risk of billing errors and helps Customer Success Managers address support requests related to billing issues, such as overcharging or undercharging.
In addition, the Wingback Billing Portal allows your customers to manage their account data, payment methods, and billing information, and review their invoices themselves. The self-service functionality empowers customers to access essential information on their own and reduces the number of support requests related to billing and invoicing.
Wingback’s robust analytics tools provide you with valuable insights into customer behavior, usage data, and contract performance. This information enables them to identify trends and patterns, provide better support to customers, and make informed decisions when addressing customer concerns related to their contracts.
Our Entitlement API enables you to quickly access and verify customer entitlements in other systems such as your CRM (Salesforce, Hubspot, or others), helping you address any issues related to feature access or usage. This ensures that customers receive the correct level of access based on their contract terms, minimizing misunderstandings and disputes.
Wingback’s collaboration features make it easy for you to work closely with other teams, such as sales, product management, engineering, and finance, to address customer issues and share relevant contract details. This cross-functional collaboration ensures that all teams are aligned and working together to provide consistent and effective support.