Growth teams benefit from using Wingback by gaining insights into customer behavior and optimizing pricing strategies to drive revenue growth. With our platform’s A/B testing compatibilities, you can experiment with different pricing plans and identify the most effective approaches to convert and retain customers.

Second, Wingback’s analytics tools allows you to leverage usage data and gain a deeper understanding of customer preferences and consumption patterns. Our Entitlement API enables you to sync subscription data with other marketing systems, creating targeted and personalized campaigns.

Create New Pricing Plans

Creating a new plan in Wingback involves the following steps. Start by selecting “Plans” from the top menu on the main dashboard. Once there, click the “Add Plan” button in the upper right corner of the Plans page. You’ll need to enter a name for the new plan in the “Name” field and choose the plan type from the dropdown menu, which can be recurring, one-time, or usage-based.

Continue by specifying the billing cycle by selecting the appropriate option like monthly, quarterly, or yearly, and set the price. For usage-based plans, define the feature you want to charge for, such as API calls, storage, or seats, and set a price per unit. You can also add any additional features or descriptions to the plan as needed.

Finally, click the “Add” button to save the new plan, and it will appear in the Plans list. Keep in mind that you can edit or modify the plan later by clicking on the plan name and making any desired changes.

Background Info

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Create A Usage-Based Pricing Plan

To create a pricing plan that uses usage-based pricing in Wingback, begin by accessing the main dashboard and selecting the Plans section. Click the “Add Plan” button to open the Plan Editor. In the Plan Editor, enter the plan name and choose “Usage-Based” as the pricing model. Set the billing cycle, price, and features as desired. Be sure to define the usage-based pricing component by specifying the unit price, included units, and any limits or overage fees, if applicable. Once you have entered all the necessary information for your usage-based plan, click the “Save” button to save the new plan. It will now be added to the list of available plans in Wingback.

Background Info:

What is Usage-Based Pricing? Usage-based pricing means that your customers get charged based on how much they used your product or a specific feature of your product during a billing cycle. This is always a unit of measure, such as the number of lookups, the amount of storage, etc. This means your customers start paying relatively little when they first start using your product, but you still preserve the ability to increase your revenue over time because the price is ideally directly tied with the value a customer receives.

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Implement Self-serve

To create a pricing page using Wingback, first navigate to the top menu and select “Pricing Pages.” This will bring up an overview of all existing pricing pages. Click the “Add Pricing Page” button to start creating a new one. Define a pricing page name and either allow the system to create an automatic slug ID or click on the button to manually define your pricing page slug ID. Add an optional description by entering it under the “Description (Optional)” field. Click the “Add Plan” button to add a plan to your pricing page, and choose a plan from the plan dropdown list. You can search for plans using the search menu bar. To finish creating the pricing page, click the “Add” button, and your new pricing page will appear in the list.

Once your pricing page is created in Wingback, you can integrate it into your company’s public pricing page (e.g., This allows customers to easily self-signup for the plans you offer. Just ensure that the callback URL and other necessary elements are properly configured for a seamless user experience.

Background Info

What is Self-serve? Self-serve refers to a sales and customer service model where customers can purchase and use a SaaS product without direct assistance or intervention from a sales representative or customer service representative. In a self-serve model, customers typically sign up for the product online and can immediately begin using your software. The pricing and features of the product are clearly displayed on your website, and customers can select the plan that best fits their needs. The customer service and support provided in a self-serve model is often minimal, with customers relying on online help centers, knowledge bases, and user forums to find answers to their questions and resolve any issues they encounter. Self-serve models are often used by SaaS companies that offer relatively simple and straightforward products with low barriers to entry. This model can be highly scalable, allowing companies to reach a large customer base with minimal resources devoted to sales and customer service. However, the lack of direct interaction with customers can make it more difficult to build strong relationships and loyalty, and can limit the ability of companies to upsell and cross-sell additional products or services.

Wingback Self-serve Billing Portal The billing portal is a convenient frontend component designed to allow your customers to manage their own billing and payment information. It makes it possible for your customers to easily handle various billing-related tasks themselves, such as updating their payment methods, viewing invoices, and managing the subscription they are on. It provides your customers with the autonomy to manage their billing information at their convenience. This reduces the need for manual intervention from your support team, freeing up time for them to focus on other essential tasks. This platform also ensures that customers have immediate access to their billing data, promoting transparency and trust between your business and its customers. It streamlines the entire billing process, making it easier for both your customers and your team to handle billing-related tasks efficiently

Pricing Experimentation

When you create multiple pricing pages in Wingback, you can use a conventional A/B testing tool to compare the performance of different plans against each other. A/B testing allows you to measure the effectiveness of different pricing structures, plan offerings, or designs by presenting the variations to different groups of visitors on your website.

To set up an A/B test with Wingback pricing pages, first, create the different pricing pages you want to test. These pages could have different plans, pricing tiers, or design elements. Once you have the pricing pages set up in Wingback, you can integrate them into your A/B testing tool.

The A/B testing tool will randomly display one of the pricing pages to your website visitors, allowing you to collect data on user engagement, plan selections, and conversion rates for each variation. Over time, this data will help you understand which pricing page is more effective at driving sales and customer satisfaction.

By analyzing the results of the A/B test, you can make informed decisions about the best plan offerings or designs to implement on your website. Once you’ve identified the most successful pricing page, you can update your website to feature that version for all visitors, ultimately improving your overall conversion rate and customer experience.

Background Info

What is A/B testing? A/B testing, in a conventional sense, is a marketing technique used to compare two or more variations of a particular aspect, such as web page design, advertisement, or product offering, to determine which version performs better. It involves randomly splitting the target audience into different groups, showing each group a different version of the element being tested, and then analyzing the results to determine which variation produces the most desired outcomes, such as higher conversion rates, increased engagement, or more sales.

What is pricing plan A/B testing? When applied to different pricing plans, the concept and objective of A/B testing remains the same: to determine which option users prefer. The specific goal here may be to determine which price or model is more effective in attracting and retaining customers, maximizing revenue, or achieving other business objectives. With Wingback, you can create multiple pricing pages, each representing a different pricing plan or structure. These pricing pages can then be fed into a conventional A/B testing tool, which will randomly show the different pricing plans to your target audience.

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Connect Wingback to your CRM

Wingback’s Entitlement API is a powerful feature that allows you to seamlessly integrate and push pricing plan or customer-related data from Wingback into other systems, such as a CRM system, an analytics tool, or a customer support platform. This integration ensures that relevant information about your customers, their subscriptions, and their entitlements are available across different platforms within your organization, making it easier to manage and analyze customer data.

To use the Entitlement API, you’ll need to set up a connection between Wingback and the target system, such as your CRM. The API allows for real-time synchronization, ensuring that your CRM or other systems are always up-to-date with the latest information about your customers.

Integrating the Entitlement API with your other systems can provide various benefits. For instance, it can help improve customer support by providing support agents with up-to-date subscription and entitlement information. Additionally, it can enhance sales and marketing efforts by allowing your teams to segment and target customers based on their subscription details.

Background Info

What is a CRM system? A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is a software platform that helps businesses manage and maintain their relationships with customers and potential customers. CRM systems centralize customer data, such as contact information, purchase history, and interactions with the company, enabling businesses to track leads, monitor sales processes, and provide personalized customer support.

What is pricing plan A/B testing? When applied to different pricing plans, the concept and objective of A/B testing remains the same: to determine which option users prefer. The specific goal here may be to determine which price or model is more effective in attracting and retaining customers, maximizing revenue, or achieving other business objectives. With Wingback, you can create multiple pricing pages, each representing a different pricing plan or structure. These pricing pages can then be fed into a conventional A/B testing tool, which will randomly show the different pricing plans to your target audience.

Wingback Entitlement API This API consolidates all subscription data available within the Wingback platform, enabling you to access, retrieve, and manage all the relevant subscription data seamlessly. It provides a unified way to integrate Wingback's subscription data with your other systems, such as CRM systems or analytics tools. The Entitlement API makes it easier for you to work with subscription information, including customer details, plans, pricing, and usage data. By leveraging this API, you can automate processes, streamline workflows, and ensure that all the subscription-related data is up-to-date and accessible across your various systems.

Edit Existing Pricing Plans

In order to edit existing plans, you first access the Plans section on the main dashboard. Once there, find the plan you want to modify in the list of active plans. Click the “Open Plan Editor” button under the respective name of the plan in the dropdown menu. In the Plan Editor, you can make changes to the plan name, billing cycles, prices, and features as needed.

After making the desired edits, click the “Save” button to save your changes. Keep in mind that certain options like deleting the plan permanently might not be available in the interface yet. To access other options such as archiving the plan or copying the plan ID, click on the three dots next to the plan name.

Background Info

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Change Self-serve Pricing & Packaging

In order to edit existing plans, you first access the Plans section on the main dashboard. Once there, find the plan you want to modify in the list of active plans. Click the “Open Plan Editor” button under the respective name of the plan in the dropdown menu. In the Plan Editor, you can make changes to the plan name, billing cycles, prices, and features as needed.

After making the desired edits, click the “Save” button to save your changes. Keep in mind that certain options like deleting the plan permanently might not be available in the interface yet. To access other options such as archiving the plan or copying the plan ID, click on the three dots next to the plan name.

Background Info

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.

Geo-targeted Pricing

If you want to sell different plans in various currencies to diverse geographies, you can effortlessly create one pricing page per geography in minutes. When a customer signs up for a plan, they will receive exactly what was defined in the plan displayed on the pricing page. No additional coding work is required for the creation of extra pricing pages for other geographies. Changes to your plans will be immediately reflected on the pricing page. This means that even if you alter the feature composition of your plans, your pricing page will always remain up to date.

You have the option with Wingback to offer your products for sale in different currencies. Offering your product in multiple currencies increases its accessibility to customers in different regions of the world, helping you expand your customer base and boost revenue. When potential customers see pricing in their local currency, they may be more inclined to try your service, as it reduces any barriers to entry associated with unfamiliar or inconvenient currencies. A multi-currency pricing approach also enhances the customer experience, as they can easily understand the cost and avoid unexpected surprises on their bill.

In addition, providing multiple currencies can give you a competitive edge over other SaaS providers who only offer pricing in a single currency, attracting and retaining customers who prefer localized options. Furthermore, multi-currency pricing allows for revenue optimization by enabling adjustments based on local market conditions and exchange rates, maximizing revenue and profitability across different regions of the world.

Background Info

What is a Pricing Page? A pricing page is a webpage that provides information about the pricing and features of a SaaS product. This typically includes a list of plans and pricing tiers, along with details about the features and functionality included in each plan. Plans are typically organized by price and level of service. Each plan may include different features, such as the number of users or the availability of certain functionality. Pricing pages also state information about the cost of each plan, including any discounts that may be available. Pricing pages provide your customers with a side-by-side comparison of the features and functionality included in each plan, which helps them choose the plan that best meets their needs. A well-designed pricing page can be an important tool for you to attract and retain customers. By providing clear information about pricing and features, a pricing page helps your customers understand the value of your service and make informed decisions about which plan to choose. Effective pricing pages can also help reduce customer support inquiries.

Wingback Plan Editor This is a user-friendly tool that allows you to create and modify subscription plans for your product or service. With this editor, you can define plan details such as name, pricing, billing frequency, and features. The plan editor also enables you to set up usage-based pricing and configure usage limits for specific features. Once a plan is created or modified, it can be displayed on your public pricing page or used for quoting purposes. The plan editor simplifies the process of managing your subscription offerings while giving you full control over your pricing strategy.