Plan Overview

By clicking Plans in the top menu, you will be able to see all of your pricing plans in a general overview. In this general plan overview, you can also see the price of each plan for all the respective billing cycles under which these plans are available.

You can select between active and archived plans. Active Plans are those currently available for purchase by your customers, while Archived Plans indicate plans that are no longer active.

Under the three dots, you can select between different options. One of them is to copy the Plan ID. Another one is archiving the plan. The third option is deleting the plan permanently. Please note that deleting the plan permanently is currently not available in the interface yet. In order to edit any of your active plans, click Open Plan Editor under the respective name of the plan.

Create New Plan

Click “Add New Plan”, which will open the plan creation screen. Under Plan Essentials, you can define the Plan Name and the Plan Description. Make sure to select a name that helps you and your customers differentiate it from other plans.

Defining Pricing Model on Plan Level

Under Billing Details, you can define your plans’ Pricing Level. If you select Plan Level Pricing, you will be able to set a price for the whole plan. Under Configuration, you will be able to choose between different Pricing Models. Please find a detailed guide on pricing models here.

Defining Currencies on Plan Level

Under Currencies, you will be able to select which currency this plan is sold in. Choose whatever currency you like. Please note that Wingback by default allows you to sell in USD and EUR, but can make any currency available for your account on request.

Defining Tax Code on Plan Level

Under More Options you will be able to select a Tax Code. This tax code might be important for your customers and the way they process your invoices. If you leave this field empty, tax codes won’t be displayed anywhere on your invoices.

Defining Pricing Models, Currencies, and Tax Codes on Feature Level

Wingback allows you to create feature-specific plans where each feature can be assigned its own price and pricing model. In these cases, the plan price is always the sum of the prices of the individual features.

Under billing details, you can define a plan’s pricing on feature level. If you select Feature-level Pricing, you will be able to set a price for each individual feature. Under Configuration, you will be able to choose between different billing cycles and currencies.

Under Billing Cycle, you can choose between different billing cycles for this plan. The price for each individual feature is defined under features.

In order to add features you first have to add a feature group. If you already created feature groups, you can import those into your plan. To do so, click on the plus in the upper right corner and click “Add New Feature Group”. A popup appears and you will be able to define a feature group name. After you added your name you can either click “Add Group” or “Cancel” the feature group creation process. After you click “Add Group” your new feature group appears in the feature section. You now have the choice to either add a new feature or import features from the library.

If you click on “add a new feature” you first have to define a feature name. You’ll also have the option to add a tag to your feature. A Slug ID will be generated automatically. In order to switch to manual Slug ID creation, click on the button on the right next to the feature.

After you click “add feature,” the add feature menu appears. Start by defining the feature name. Below, you’ll be prompted to define this feature’s pricing. You can select from three different pricing models: Flat pricing, per-unit pricing or usage-based pricing.

Depending on which billing cycles you previously selected, you will be asked to enter a price for this feature for each respective billing cycle.

If you define a flat price for this feature, you will have to enter an amount to define its price before clicking “add.”

If you select per-unit pricing, you will be able to define a unit price for each respective billing cycle for your feature.

Under “more options” below. you will be able to define whether or not you want to sell units in batches. Batch sizes allow you to set how many units you would like to sell within one batch. For example: If you select a batch size of 100 for your “Reports” feature, your customers will only be able to buy in sets of 100, 200, 300, 400 etc., not 147. If you don’t select the “sell units in batches” checkbox, your customers will be able to buy however many units they want.

Under the “more options” drop down menu you will also be able to define additional options. The first option is “unit name.” The unit name will appear on invoices, pricing pages in your customer-facing billing portal, etc. so it’s important to make sure it’s something easy to understand and recognize for your customers.

You can also select a minimum unit number and a maximum unit number. This allows you to limit how many units a customer can buy of this feature. Under more options you can add a tax code to this individual feature. If you want to add more features to this feature group the add more toggle can be turned on.

After you click “add”, the price for your feature has been defined. On top of the feature name, you will find a feature price summary section, which will display the starting price for this feature group for each respective billing cycle.

After you enter all the required parameters, you can either dismiss the feature or add it.

The cost for a plan with feature-level pricing will always be calculated as the sum of its feature groups/features. The summary on the upper right corner will show you how much the total plan costs for your customer, and the breakdown of which features and feature groups are part of this plan.

Create or Add Discount to Plans

You can add discounts at the very bottom of the Plan Editor. In order to add a discount, you can click the “plus” button on the upper right corner of the discount box. You can choose whether you want to add an existing discount to your plan or add a new discount.

If you click “add a new discount” you will be shown the new discount menu with the discount configuration section.

First, you’ll have the option to name the discount, such as “holiday season discount.”

Next, you’ll be able to select between flat-priced and percentage-based discounts. A flat price discount is an absolute value, for example, $10 off per month. A percentage-based discount would be something like 10% off. Under “duration,” you can select how long the discount is valid. You can select between a permanent discount and different cycles.

Below that you can select different redemption settings, such as the redeemability start date, the redeemability expiration date, and the number of redemptions.

If you select “immediately,” every customer who signs up for this plan will be able to use the discount as soon as it’s been saved. If you set a redeemability start date in the future, the discount will only be applied to your plan after this date and time.

If you select a redeemability expiration date, the discount won’t be available anymore after this time has passed. If you select “no expiration,” the discount will always be available on this plan.

If you select “unlimited number of redemptions,” your customers will be able to redeem this discount no matter how many customers have signed up. If you limit the number of redemptions, the discount will only be redeemable for the selected number of times and won’t be applied to your plan after this number has been surpassed.

You can cancel or save the discount by clicking the “cancel” or “save” button. By default, your discount is inactive when you save it. In order to save it, toggle the discount status from inactive to active. After you activate the discount, it will be active.

Under the summary on the top right of the plan editor you will be able to see your discount. You can review the discount amount, the duration of the discount and the selected expiration.

Applying Discounts to a Plan

You can apply discounts to a plan in the customer portal when adding a subscription. Find out how this works here.

Applying Discount to a Subscription in the Customer Management Portal

You can add a discount by clicking the “Add Discount” button. You will be able to search from every discount created in your account or select a discount from the drop-down. After you select a discount, the calculated fee for the discount will be deducted from the subtotal to calculate the new total.