Customer List

Access the Customer Management Portal by selecting Customers in the top menu of Wingback. The Customer Management Portal provides you with a full list of customers.

You can add a customer by clicking Add Customer in the upper right corner of the Customer Management Portal. Below, you will find a search bar that allows you to search for customers. The filter option allows you to filter customers by the plan they are on or the status of their subscription.

By clicking Reset, you can reset the filter function. By clicking Apply, you can apply the selection you have made. The customer list shows the name, email address, plan, and start date of your customer’s subscription. You can edit your customer’s details by clicking on the name of your customers from the customer list.

In the lower part of the Customer Management Portal, you will find the total number of customers displayed, and you can switch between the different pages of your customer list.

Add Customer

After you click Add Customer, you will be able to define the name and the email address of your customer. Click Cancel to discontinue the customer creation process, or click the X next to Add Customer to leave the menu. After you click Add Customer, your customer will be added to the customer list.

Individual Customer View

In order to add a subscription to your customer, add a payment method, or activate the account of your customer, click on the customer in the customer list, which takes you to the Customer Management View.

This screen provides an overview of your customer’s account balance, the subscription they are currently on, the payment method they are using, and the customer’s account information, such as whether or not the account is active, the name of the customer, the email of the customer, and when their account was created.

In addition, you will find a toggle that allows you to activate or deactivate a customer’s account. If your customer has had any transactions, they will appear in the list on the right of this screen.

This list of payments displays the amount the customer has paid, a description of the plan they have purchased, the status of their payment, and the date on which the payment was made. Under the three dots, you can review the payment details of this particular payment or view the receipt for this payment.

If your customer’s account has a negative or positive balance, this balance amount will be displayed under the “Wallet” section on the left of this screen. The “Subscription” section shows which plan and billing cycle your customer is currently on, the amount they will be charged at the next payment date, the discount they have (if applicable); and their billing address.

In addition, you can click on the three dots under “Subscription” to: update your customer’s subscription, cancel an upgrade, or cancel the subscription of your customer. In the section below, you can see which payment method your customer is using, if it is an automatic or a manual payment.

If a credit card payment has been selected, you will be able to see which credit card provider has been used, and the last four digits of the credit card number will be shown. Click the three dots to edit or delete the payment method. Below that, you’ll see the account section.

The “Account” section shows you the customer’s name, email address, and the account creation date. Click on the three dots to edit these account details.

Payment Details

Click on Payment Details to see the transaction type, the status of the payment, the amount paid, the date the payment was made, the time, and the time zone when the payment was made. You will also be able to find a transaction description.


Click on Receipt to see a receipt pop-up. This receipt will specify the amount paid, the date and time of the payment, and show you the payment method, plus a breakdown of the plan and its components for which the payment has been made. On the bottom part of the receipt pop-up, you have the choice between copying a link to the receipt, for example, for sharing it with your customer, or closing the receipt pop-up.

Add or Update Payment Method

Click Add Payment Method in the Payment and Payment Method menu to select between Automatic and Manual Payments. Automatic payment charges a customer’s credit card automatically for the subscription. A Manual payment means that your customers are paying manually.

You can also deposit or withdraw funds into your customer’s account. Under the Payment Gateway dropdown menu, you will be able to select different payment gateways. Below, you will be able to enter your customer’s credit card information. If Automatic payment has been selected, discard changes by clicking Cancel or save the changes by clicking Save Changes.

Edit Customer Details

You can edit the customer’s name and email address by clicking the three dots right next to your Account section in the Customer Management Portal, and either decide to save or cancel the changes made to your customer’s account details.

Assign New Subscription to Customer Account

In order to add a subscription to a customer that does not have a subscription yet or that currently has no subscription, you enter the Customer Management View and click the Add Subscription button, which leads you to the Add / Update Subscription menu.

Under Subscription Details you can select a plan from the drop-down menu. Every plan in your account will appear in this drop-down menu. After you have selected a plan, you will be able to choose between every different billing cycle available for this plan in the Billing Cycle drop-down menu.

After selecting the billing cycle, the details of your subscription will appear below. If your plan is priced on plan level, the cost of the subscription will be displayed as one line item. If you defined a plan that was priced on plan level, and that has a flat fee + a unit-based fee, or a flat fee + a usage-based fee, you will see the breakdown of these components in the subscription breakdown.

If you defined pricing for your plan on feature level, you will see a feature level breakdown of the prices of all respective features that are part of this plan. These features will also appear on your invoices as line items.

You can change the pricing of your subscription by toggling the Edit Pricing toggle. This allows you to customize the price of a feature as well as the unit price of a usage-based or unit-based feature. If you priced your plan on plan level, you will equally be able to edit the pricing on plan level.

Below the line item or plan breakdown, you will find a subtotal as well as a total of the fee that your customer will be charged for the feature.

You can add a discount by clicking the “Add Discount” button. You will be able to search from every discount created in your account or select a discount from the drop-down. After selecting a discount, you will see that the calculated fee for the discount will be deducted from the subtotal to calculate your total.

Below you can set a subscription start and end date for your customer’s subscription. Please note that if your new subscription end date occurs before the end of the first billing cycle, your customer will still be charged for the full billing cycle.

If you schedule a subscription that starts in the future, your customer will only be charged at the subscription start date.

In the upper right corner you find the summary section, where the calculated invoiced amount will be displayed.

You can confirm the subscription by clicking the “Add Subscription” button. After you click the this, you will be redirected to the Customer Management View.

At the bottom of your screen, you should see a notification that the subscription has been updated and the subscription section of the Customer Management view will show the amount that will be charged to your customer and respective discounts that are applied to the total amount. The next steps depend on if you selected manual payment or automatic payment for your customer. If you select “Manual Payment”, an unpaid invoice will be created that can be marked as paid once your customer pays. If “Automatic Payment” was selected, your customers’ credit card will be charged with the amount previously calculated. If the payment goes through, both an invoice and a receipt will be generated.

Our billing engine runs once every 10 minutes, so after you’ve confirmed the subscription, the invoice or credit card charge may take a few minutes to show up. Once this has been completed, a transaction will appear in the payments list and you can download the receipt and invoice.

Edit Subscription & Mid-Cycle Upgrades

You can upgrade or downgrade your customers who have already subscribed to a plan using the Customer Management Portal. In order to do so, go to the “Subscription” section of the Customer Management portal and click on the three dots and click the “Update Subscription” button, which brings you to the “Update Subscription” menu.

You can view a breakdown of the current subscription under “Subscription Details,” and “Current Plan” will be displayed as the selected plan and the selected billing cycle will be shown under “Billing Cycle.” The “Summary” section will show that the upgrade cost is zero at the moment since the current customer subscription is being displayed.

If you select a different plan from the “Plan” drop-down menu, the upgrade cost will be calculated automatically. Under the “Subscription Details” section, you’ll see a breakdown of the price of each feature in case the plan was priced on feature level or a plan level cost if the plan was priced on feature level. Below you’ll find a subtotal and total and you will be able to apply a discount. If a discount is applied, the discount amount will be calculated and deducted from the subtotal.

You also have the option to edit the pricing of your plan by clicking the “Edit Pricing” toggle. Below, you can define the new subscription start date and the new subscription end date.

The “Summary” section of the “Add-Edit Subscription” menu will give you a detailed breakdown of how the upgrade cost was calculated. If you click on the “Cost Details” drop-down, you will find an overview of the prorated cost of the new subscription and the prorated amount of the current subscription. Below you will find the total cost of the upgrade. If you hide the “Cost Details” drop-down, you will only see the total amount due today for the upgrade that you have selected for your customer.

In case the price of the newly subscribed plan that you select for your customer is cheaper than the original plan, you will perform a downgrade. Your customer will still have access to their current subscription until the end of the bidding cycle. The subscription will be updated when the current billing cycle ends.

The “Subscription Details” drop-down shows you the amount that will be charged on the next invoice date. The next invoice date will be displayed in the “Summary” section of the “Add-Update Subscription Summary” window.

Wingback treats several types of customer changes as mid-cycle changes, giving you full control over upgrades and downgrades. If you keep your customer on the current contract and modify their subscription price, add a discount, or increase the number of units on unit-based plans priced on plan level or unit-based features or usage-based features on feature-level priced plans, those actions will be treated as a mid-cycle upgrade.

In order to confirm downgrades, you also have to click on “Update Subscription.” After you click this, you will be redirected to the Customer Management View, where the newly selected plan, the newly selected billing cycle, the newly calculated invoice amount, any respective discount, the start date of the new subscription, and the next payment for the next subscription under the Subscription menu will appear.

In the event that you’ve upgraded your customer, a new invoice will be generated. For customers that use automatic payment, a charge will be performed. Please note that this will happen within a few minutes as our billing engine runs every 10 minutes. After this, a transaction will show up in the Payments menu.

Download Invoices

If you click on a customer in the customer list, you will enter the Customer Management View. In the Payments list on the right side, you will see all the payments this particular customer has made.

You can download the invoice for a payment by clicking on the three dots and clicking “view receipt.” At the bottom of the receipt popup, you will find a link to download the invoice.

For manual payments, you will click on the three dots and find a “download receipt” button in the dropdown.

Applying Discounts to a Subscription

You can add a discount by clicking the “Add Discount” button. You will be able to search from every discount created in your account or select a discount from the drop-down. After you select a discount, the calculated fee for the discount will be deducted from the subtotal to calculate the new total.