Bulk Usage Upload
Report usage in bulk.
This endpoint allows you to upload a significant volume of usage events for multiple customers simultaneously. For detailed instructions and best practices on implementation, please refer to the Metering Guide.
The endpoint conducts preliminary validation immediately and a more in-depth validation later during the creation of billing events. If any issues are detected during the initial validation, they will be communicated in the response body, with the index corresponding to the erroneous entry. A 4xx error indicates an issue with the data you provided and should not be retried. Entries that pass validation do not return any feedback and can be deemed as successfully committed. In case of a failure (5xx) or connection issues, we recommend implementing an exponential back-off retry strategy.
Rate limits
This endpoint is designed for periodic uploads of (pre-)aggregated usage data in larger batches. By default, we guarantee a throughput capacity of 100 requests and 150,000 usage events per minute, per customer. However, our infrastructure is capable of scaling significantly beyond these limits. If your application’s demands approach or exceed these constraints, please get in touch with us.
Unique identifier of an object. Consists of object class prefix and a UUID
Slug of the feature usage is reported for
Amount of units consumed since the last report
Setting this to true would discard all events with timestamp preceding this event,
and will use this event's units
as zero value for usage in the current billing period
Any metadata you wish to associate with the event Note that both keys and values can only be a string Additionally, please avoid escaping non-ascii symbols
Date for the Usage. When usage period is closed, all usage which timestamp falls between Usage period (Billing period) start and end will be summed.