Search for Customers
Returns customers filtered by query string parameters. Atleast one variable must be provided to do the search. All the customers meeting the search criteria will be returned
Query Parameters
Unique identifier of an object. Consists of object class prefix and a UUID
Unique identifier of an object. Consists of object class prefix and a UUID
Status of the invoice:
- PendingValidation - Invoice awaits manual review
- ReadyForPayment - invoice can be paid
- Paid - invoice was paid
, ready_for_payment
, paid
Filter for customer metadata.
x > 0
Pagination direction:
- Forward - from first entry to last
- Backward - from last entry to first
, backward
A paginated result of the requested resource This is based on Keyset Pagination
Number of the current page
Total number of results
Number of pages in the result
Index of the previous page in the result set
Index of the first element in the result set
Index of the next page in the result set
Index of the last element in the result set