Pricing Plan

A SaaS pricing plan outlines the cost of a SaaS product and the features that come with it. A pricing plan typically includes different features. Most often startups offer several pricing plans with different price points at the same time (basically the typical standard, premium, enterprise pricing page) that customers can choose from based on their needs and budget.

Pricing plans can be based on different pricing models, such as a flat-fee model where customers pay a monthly or yearly fee, or a usage-based model where customers pay based on the amount of resources they consume.

Wingback allows you to create any pricing plan you can think of, which means that you and your team can focus on what really matters instead of spending weeks or months on updating pricing plans.

Plan Editor

Wingback’s Plan Editor is a visual interface to build pricing plans to offer to customers which does not require any technical expertise.

Change your pricing without any additional engineering effort Create an unlimited number of plans with different entitlements, usage limits, or contract terms Sell all your plans using different pricing models simultaneously without disrupting billing

Billing Portal (or Self-serve Billing Portal)

A self-serve billing portal is an online platform that enables customers to manage their own billing and payment information for a subscription-based service, such as a SaaS product.

For your customers, a self-serve billing portal provides a convenient way to manage their billing and payment information, saving them time and reducing the need to contact customer support. For you, a self-serve billing portal can help you reduce the workload of your customer support team by enabling customers to manage their own accounts, while also improving customer satisfaction and reducing churn.

Wingback provides a ready-to-use, self-service billing portal. As with any Subscription Management System, our Billing Portal lets your customers track their payments, download their invoices, and change their payment information. But unlike other solutions, we also support grouping plans in a way that allows customers to upgrade only within selected plans and many other features that we can only make possible by connecting to your actual code base and knowing about your customer facing features.

Customer Management Portal

The Wingback Customer Management Portal is a tool where you can manage and view all customer-related information. Within the portal, you can access and update customer account data, view billing history and invoices, issue refunds, manage credits, and monitor usage statistics. It serves as a comprehensive tool to manage your customers’ pricing plans and billing information, ensuring data accuracy and streamlining customer support tasks.

Pricing Pages

A pricing page is a webpage that provides information about the pricing and features of a your SaaS product. The pricing page typically includes a list of plans and pricing tiers, along with details about the features and functionality included in each plan. Plans are typically organized by price and level of service. Each plan may include different features, such as the number of users or the availability of certain functionality. Pricing pages also state information about the cost of each plan, including any discounts that may be available.

Pricing pages provide your customers with a side-by-side comparison of the features and functionality included in each plan, which helps them choose the plan that best meets their needs.

A well-designed pricing page can be an important tool for you to attract and retain customers. By providing clear information about pricing and features, a pricing page helps your customers understand the value of your service and make informed decisions about which plan to choose. Effective pricing pages can also help reduce customer support inquiries.

Wingback allows you to group plans together and make them available on a pricing page, which allows you to easily deploy and customize your pricing page. Changes to your plans will be immediately reflected on the pricing page. This means that even if you change the feature composition of your plans, your pricing page is always up-to-date


On our setting page you can manage your integrations, set up tax rates, change your billing address, and upload your logo.

Flat fee pricing

Flat Fee Pricing charges every customer one recurring, fixed fee every billing cycle. Every customer gets access to all of your features. No matter how much your customer uses the product or how many different people login to your customers account, all customers get charged the same price. A feature that is flat-fee priced it quite literally just a feature that is priced for a fixed fee. That means its price is not affected by any usage metric or any other factor.

Usage-based pricing

Usage-based pricing means that your customers get charged based on how much they used your product or a specific feature of your product during a billing cycle. This is always a unit of measure, such as the number of lookups, the amount of storage, etc. This means your customers start paying relatively little when they first start using your product, but you still preserve the ability to increase your revenue over time because the price is ideally directly tied with the value a customer receives.

Unit-Based Pricing (Per-Seat pricing)

You might know this model as “per-seat” pricing, but at Wingback, we refer to it as unit-based pricing. Reason for that is that no matter if the unit is seat or anything else (such as reports, viewers, or trees), it is always a unit of something that is available to a customer to use.

The “Seat” in per Seat Pricing refers to the seat of someone sitting in front of your software using it. In other words, this pricing model charges a fixed fee for every user account that your customer creates. There is no base fee associated.

Transaction-Based Pricing

This pricing model charges a fee based on the transaction value a product processes, such as a percentage of the overall total. A typical example is a 2% payment processing fee

Automatic payment

If you select automatic payment, your customers’ credit card will be charged automatically for their subscriptions or usage of your product.

Manual Payment

A manual payment refers to a payment made outside an automated payment system, such as a credit card payment that is processed automatically. Instead, a manual payment requires your customer to manually initiate the payment and involves additional steps such as a wire transfer.

You can add customers that pay manually in Wingback too, mark their invoices as paid, and you can use the same powerful billing technology that we use to calculate automatic charges for manual payments too.

One-time Payment

A one-time payment refers to a payment made by your customer that is provided only once, rather than on a recurring basis. It is a payment model where the customer pays a fixed price upfront for access to the software or service for a limited time or a specific set of features.

One-time payments are typically used for specific features or add-ons that are not included in the standard subscription plan, or for special promotions or discounts. For example, you may offer a one-time payment for a premium feature or a limited-time upgrade to an advanced plan.

Pricing and packaging management

Pricing and packaging management in the context of SaaS refers to the process of setting and adjusting the pricing structure and packaging of a software product or service. This includes determining the right pricing strategy, such as subscription-based or usage-based, as well as identifying the most effective pricing tiers for different customer segments and ensuring that the pricing structure is aligned with the product’s value proposition and competitive landscape.

Packaging management involves bundling the product or service features into different plans or tiers, each with its own set of pricing and billing rules. Your goal should be to create a clear and easy-to-understand pricing structure that aligns with the needs and budgets of the target customer segments.

Effective pricing and packaging management is critical for the success of a SaaS product, as it directly impacts customer acquisition, retention, and revenue growth.

Billing cycle

A billing cycle refers to the period of time between two consecutive billings for a subscription-based software product. For example, if you bill customers monthly, then the billing cycle would be one month. If you bill your customers annually, then the billing cycle would be one year.

During a billing cycle, the customer has access to the service they are subscribed to and is charged for it at the end of the cycle. The billing cycle is typically defined by your billing system.

Wingback allows you to define whatever billing cycle you want and lets you configure different billing cycles for different customers.


A discount is a reduction in the price of a plan provided to a customer. Discounts can be offered for various reasons, such as promoting a new product, incentivizing a long-term commitment, or offering a discount to a specific customer segment. The discount amount is usually expressed as a percentage or a fixed amount and is applied to the subscription fee for a specific period of time. Discounts can be applied at different stages of the customer journey, such as during the sign-up process, on an existing plan, or as part of a customer retention strategy.


An invoice is a document that you issue to a customer, typically before the payment is made, to request payment for your product. An invoice outlines the details of the transaction, such as the product or service being sold, the price, and the payment terms. It is essentially a request for payment, and it may include payment instructions or a payment due date.

What is the difference between invoice and receipt?

An invoice is a request for payment, while a receipt is a proof of payment. In the context of SaaS, an invoice is typically issued by the billing system to request payment for a subscription or usage of the product, while a receipt is issued after the payment has been processed to confirm that the customer has paid for the subscription or usage. Since automatic payments for SaaS products that do not have a metered usage component are so common, most charges for SaaS products happen immediately after the invoice was issued in an automated way, which is why it is sometimes hard to understand the difference between these two terms.

Wingback signup links are unique URLs generated by Wingback that allow potential customers to sign up for your product or service directly to a specific plan. These links simplify the sales and onboarding process and enable you to provide a seamless user experience when acquiring new customers.

When a potential customer clicks on a Wingback signup link, they are directed to a dedicated signup page associated with the chosen plan. The signup page collects necessary information such as their name, email address, payment method, and any other required details. After completing the signup process, the customer is granted access to your product or service based on the features and entitlements included in their chosen plan.

Signup Flow

The term Signup flow refers to the process a customer goes through to sign up for your product. It typically includes several steps such as creating an account, choosing a plan, providing payment information, and completing the registration process.

The goal of a signup flow is to make it as easy and straightforward as possible for your customers to sign up for the service or product. This can include reducing the number of steps, providing clear instructions, and minimizing the amount of information that users need to provide. A well-designed signup flow can help increase conversions and reduce user drop-off, which is essential for the success of a SaaS product.

Wingback provides you with a complete signup flow out-of-the-box. This helps you to reduce development timelines and allows you to not have to think through the UX and UI needed for a great signup process anymore.


A plan upgrade in SaaS refers to the process of a customer switching to a higher level of subscription. This means that the customer will have access to more features, capabilities, or resources than they did before. Plan upgrades can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the customer’s increased usage or need for additional functionality, or the fact that you are introducing new features or higher tiers of service.

Typically, you will have different subscription plans with varying levels of features, capabilities, and resources, as well as corresponding pricing. When a customer decides to upgrade their plan, they will typically need to pay the difference in price between their current plan and the upgraded plan. The customer may also need to adjust their usage or configuration of the product to take advantage of the additional features or resources provided by the upgraded plan.

Plan upgrades can be beneficial for both you and your customer. For the customer, upgrading to a higher plan can provide access to more advanced features or greater resources to meet their needs. For you, plan upgrades can lead to increased revenue, customer satisfaction, and retention.


A plan downgrade in SaaS refers to the process of a customer switching to a lower level of subscription of your product. This means that the customer will have access to fewer features, capabilities, or resources than they did before. Plan downgrades can occur for a variety of reasons, such as the customer’s decreased usage or need for fewer features or resources, or the customer’s desire to reduce costs.

Typically, you will have different subscription plans with varying levels of features, capabilities, and resources, as well as corresponding pricing. When a customer decides to downgrade their plan, they will typically pay a lower price for the new plan with fewer features or resources. The customer may also need to adjust their usage or configuration of the product to match the capabilities provided by the new plan.

Plan downgrades can be a challenging process for you, as they may result in decreased revenue and potential churn. However, allowing customers to downgrade their plan can help to retain customers who might otherwise cancel their subscription entirely. Additionally, you may be able to retain customers by offering alternative plans that better match the customer’s needs and budget.


In software development, a slug is a user-friendly, URL-safe version of a string that is used to identify a resource, such as a feature, in a web application. Wingback uses slugs to identify features in your codebase, so that we can make sure that the users on your “basic” plan don’t get access to your enterprise features.

Slugs are typically created by converting the string into a format that is easily readable and searchable by both humans and machines. This usually involves removing any special characters or spaces and replacing them with hyphens or underscores. For example, the string “How to Build a SaaS Pricing Plan” might be converted to “how-to-build-a-saas-pricing-plan” to create a slug.

Slugs are often used in the URLs of web pages or blog posts to create a concise and meaningful link that is easy to remember and share.


In the context of SaaS, a customer is an individual or organization that has subscribed to or purchased your product. The customer can be an individual user or a team of users within an organization.


A quote is a document that provides your potential customer with an estimated price for your product and the features and entitlements the customer will be granted.

A quote is typically provided after a sales call or meeting with a potential customer, during which the customer, and you have discussed the customer’s specific needs and requirements.

The quote will include details about your pricing plans and the specific features and capabilities included the plan. The quote will also include an estimated cost based on the customer’s specific usage and requirements, such as the number of users, amount of storage, or level of support needed.

Quotes in SaaS are often used to help potential customers understand the pricing and features of your product or and make informed decisions about whether to purchase the product or service. Quotes can also be used as a negotiation tool, allowing customers to compare prices and features between different SaaS providers and potentially negotiate a better deal.

Once a customer has agreed to a quote, they will typically be provided with a formal proposal or contract outlining the details of the agreement, including the pricing and terms of the subscription. The quote may serve as the basis for this proposal or contract, but the final terms may be subject to negotiation and adjustment.


A formal contract is a legally binding agreement between you and your customer that outlines the terms and conditions of the subscription. The contract typically includes details about the pricing, features, and support levels provided by the SaaS provider, as well as any limitations or restrictions on usage.

A formal contract in SaaS may also include provisions related to data privacy and security, intellectual property rights, and liability and indemnification. The contract may also outline the process for renewing or terminating the subscription and any penalties or fees associated with doing so.

The formal contract is typically provided to the customer after they have agreed to a quote or proposal and have indicated their intent to purchase the SaaS product or service. The contract may be signed electronically or in hard copy and is intended to protect both the SaaS provider and the customer by clearly defining the rights and responsibilities of each party.

In addition to protecting both parties, a formal contract in SaaS can also help to establish trust and credibility between the SaaS provider and the customer. By providing a clear and detailed agreement, you demonstrate your commitment to delivering high-quality and reliable services, which can help to build customer loyalty and long-term relationships.


The frontend is the part of a software application that the end user interacts with directly. This includes the user interface, which is the graphical display of the application, and any other components that are visible to the user, such as buttons, forms, and menus. The frontend is responsible for processing user input, displaying the appropriate information to the user, and handling user interactions.


The backend is the part of a software application that is responsible for the processing and storage of data. This includes the server-side components of the application, such as the database, APIs, and other services that handle business logic. The backend is responsible for processing requests from the frontend, retrieving data from the database, and returning the appropriate information to the frontend for display.


A tag is a label or identifier that you can attach to features or pricing pages to help you categorize and manage them more effectively. Tags are useful for filtering and searching purposes, making it easier to locate specific features or pricing pages based on their associated tags.

Technical Documentation

Technical documentation refers to written materials that explain how to use, install, configure, or troubleshoot software products. You are in fact reading Wingbacks documentation right now. Materials like this are designed to help developers as well as non-developers to understand the functionality of a product and how to use it effectively.

Technical documentation may include user guides, release notes, API documentation, and other materials that provide technical details about a product.

Roadmap Feature

At Wingback, we define a roadmap feature as a feature that we plan to develop and release in the future.

The roadmap feature may be based on customer feedback, or other factors, and is usually prioritized based on its potential impact on the product and our overall strategy.

Marking Invoice as Paid

Marking an invoice as paid means that the invoice for your product has been paid by the customer. This is an important step in the billing process, as it allows the finance team to keep track of which invoices have been paid and which ones are outstanding. When an invoice is marked as paid, it is typically recorded in your accounting system and may trigger other processes. In the context of SaaS, marking an invoice as paid is typically done automatically through the payment gateway or by the customer manually marking the invoice as paid through the self-serve billing portal.


Infrastructure in the context of software generally refers to the foundational technologies and resources required to support software applications and services. Infrastructure can refer to cloud-based services such as compute, storage, and networking resources provided by cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. These services are often used to build and host software applications and can provide scalable and flexible infrastructure that can be easily managed and maintained.

SaaS Monetization

SaaS monetization refers to the process of generating revenue from a SaaS product. It involves identifying and implementing strategies and models to generate income from the product or service offered to customers.

SaaS monetization can take many forms, such as subscription-based pricing or usage-based pricing. Each model has its own advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on factors such as the target market, customer needs, and competitive landscape.

In addition to pricing models, SaaS monetization also involves managing the overall pricing and packaging of the product, including features, add-ons, and upgrades. It also involves analyzing customer behavior and usage patterns to optimize pricing and packaging strategies and maximize revenue.

User Guides

User guides for a SaaS product are documents or resources that provide instructions, tips, and best practices to help users understand and use the product effectively. These guides may include written instructions, screenshots, videos, and other types of visual aids to help users navigate the product’s features and capabilities.

User guides may cover a wide range of topics, such as how to set up an account, how to perform specific tasks within the product, and how to troubleshoot common issues. Good user guides are typically easy to read, well-organized, and updated regularly to reflect changes or updates to the product.