Features that you price that can be added to your plans by your customers.
Why should I offer Add-ons?
First, because it can be an easy way to get more revenue for the features you already offer. If there are certain high-value features, some customers even on a basic plan would be willing to pay extra just to access that one additional feature à la carte. Shipping new features as add-ons also allows you to preserve your existing plan structure as you ship additional features.
Example: Pipedrive
Here’s why you may not benefit from add-ons…
In some cases, it’s better to simply encourage your customers to upgrade to the next highest plan rather than allow them to access a single additional feature while staying on their current plan. This might be the case if some of your features really belong together best when used and accessed together; or if the customer profile of the add-on user really should upgrade to a more advanced tier.